Videos – Indonesia – Komodo

The archived video clips are arranged by location and year, with the most recent at the top of the list.

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Video clips are available below for free viewing. Full digital copies of the movies are available for sale. Kindly click on the image (on the left) to see the complete movie list. Thank you! We welcome comments and suggestions, please email us:

Video Clips: Komodo Island, Indonesia 2007

© 2007. UnderwaterMedia. All content and images used on this site are owned and licensed by UndewaterMedia and its affiliates for use on this site only. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Music by: Daniel Stergar and Mathias Weck Videos by: Mathias Weck Maps by: NASA ( & EVS-Islands (

Komodo Fish Swarms

Komodo Travel + Diving

Komodo Diving

Komodo Coast

Komodo Boat

Komodo Sibayur

Komodo Boat

Komodo Big Fish

Komodo Travel

Komodo Rinca

Komodo Crystal Rock

Komodo Serang

Komodo Reef

Komodo Mantas

Komodo Small Fishes

Komodo Dead Man Rock

Komodo Batu Bolong

Komodo Labuan Bajo

Komodo Rinca

Komodo Mantas Short

Komodo Fishes Short

Komodo Teka Makasar

Komodo Tatawa